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Boss of Black Brooklyn- The Life and Times of Bertram L. Baker



商品訊息描述Boss of Black Brooklyn is above all an interesting readable story about an immigrant’s struggles and achievements in the century of American greatness. It’s about the external and internal struggles of the man who in 1948 became the first black elected official in Brooklyn, New York. It’s a story about a person, place and time that have been forgotten, cast into the dustbin of history. This is true even as Brooklyn today is one of the most popular destinations in the world. The population of Brooklyn is changing rapidly as newcomers from Europe, Australia and around the United States flock there to begin new lives. Curiously, the newcomers will embrace this book even as much as the old-timers who identify with the viewpoint of the author and the principal subject of the book. That’s because so many of the newcomers, even as they displace the old-time residents, are educated, progressive and curious about the past. This story is therefore for them as well as for those who carry a love for the old black Brooklyn that is fading in their hearts. Beginning, as it does, at the end of the nineteenth century, Boss of Black Brooklyn, carries in its innards the character of a place that for many is the heart of the America that emerged on the world scene in the mid twentieth century, the place of dreams. Boss of Brooklyn, in its final chapters, also tells us of the era when the earlier dream began to fade and central Brooklyn was called a ghetto, with all the disparagement implied in the term. Now, once again, things are shifting demographically. And the dreaminess of the transformations is felt in the book’s main character, its subject, Bertram L. Baker. There is a satisfaction in the reading of the story, because we see the empowering nature of family.

  • 作者: Howell, Ron
  • 原文出版社:Empire State Editions
  • 出版日期:2018/09/04
  • 語言:英文

Boss of Black Brooklyn- The Life and Times of Bertram L. Baker


前總統陳水扁今( 9 )日透過「新勇哥物語」貼文指出,他到台南的女兒陳幸妤家探望外孫,沒想到電梯打開,竟然碰到「台灣之光」旅美棒球好手王建民。

扁表示,睽違 13 年,說來連阿扁自己也不相信,要上去看孫子,電梯突然中停,一位英俊挺拔,個子高碩的男子走了進來。阿扁覺得好面熟,很像一個人,又不敢確定。轉身問了陪同的堂弟,他說很像王建民。這時阿扁開口請教是否他本人?王建民說話了,「沒錯,我就是王建民!」天底下會有這麼巧合的事?

扁重提往事寫到,阿扁回想 13 年前,2005 年 11 月 14 日在總統府的見面握手,沒有給他帶賽,而成為「死亡之握」,反而是「幸運之手」,帶來好運。王建民緊接著 2006 、2007 連續二年都榮獲 19 勝的職棒大聯盟「勝投王」,也是亞洲的第一人。

扁強調,王建民不只是「台灣之子」,與阿扁更同為「台南囝仔」。阿扁後來在 2007 年雙十慶典,談的也是以王建民的成功故事來詮釋台灣精神與台灣價值。特別是當年如火如茶展開提案連署台灣入聯公投運動的logo ,也搭上建仔熱,採用王建民最厲害的伸卡球設計。





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